Support Us

Thank you so much for visiting our boutique! We are really excited to share our work with you, and we hope you find a piece that you really love!


fine silver turquoise ring

As far as supporting us goes, obviously anything you buy from our store helps keep our Sweet Bea rolling down the highway, but definitely check out our other projects as well. In addition to the boutique, we have a website about our travels, Let’s Live Everywhere, and Andy runs a buslife cooking website at The Buslife Kitchen, and a foraging-focused site at Hook, Rifle, & Spade. Definitely give those a visit (and a subscribe) as well.


If you are looking for additional ways to support us on our journey, check out our Patreon. You can sign up to be one of our patrons, which comes with perks like merchandise, gifts, discounts on our work, even dial-a-shots. We are so appreciative of those folks who choose to support us through patreon, it really does make all of this possible.


sweet bea in the desert


Again, thank you so much for your support! We could not do this without you. Here’s to keeping the buslife dream alive and living everywhere!